Saturn and the Kore Goddess

We all know the outer face of Saturn which we encounter through limitation, restriction, frustration, delays and discipline. The gold is in the inner meaning of our Saturn experiences which is self-knowledge, authenticity and maturity. While we are familiar with Saturn personified as the Devouring Father and Wise Old Man in myth and legend, there is another little known archetypal figure who shines a light the golden inner core of Saturn and the potential in our work with this principle—the Kore-Virgin. This archetype is personified by the most revered Virgin goddesses of the classical Greek world including Persephone, Artemis, Athena and Hestia. One-in-herself, the Kore helps us see how Saturn symbolizes a deep integrity grounded in our essential nature and character. Drawing on Safron Rossi’s book The Kore Goddess: A Mythology & Psychology, the seminar will explore the astrological meaning of Saturn alongside the Kore archetype, its mythology and core psychological themes, as well as Saturn natal placements.

This video is taken from a live online webinar given for the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) by Safron Rossi in 2024. Duration: 2 hours 29 minutes