Capricorn, often considered the most “realistic” and disciplined of signs—ruled by Saturn—is, curiously, symbolized by one of the most peculiar symbols in the entire zodiac: the mythic, imaginary mer-goat, sea-goat, or goat-fish.
Pluto is currently moving slowly through Capricorn, accompanied by Saturn in December 2017. In January of 2020, Saturn and Pluto will conjoin in Capricorn, an exact and extremely powerful alignment, with the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter adding to the mix.
With the focus heavily on Capricorn for the next few years, it’s worth asking the question: “What is a mer-goat?” Through exploration of myth, cultural imagery, and numerous charts by way of the mer-goat, we can uncover hidden potentials within Capricorn, without being limited solely to the kind of hard realism often encountered with this sign.
This video is taken from a live online webinar given for the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) by Shawn Nygaard in 2018. Duration: 2 hours 25 minutes