Our first caretaker, the one who gives us life (or her replacement), is often carried in our charts through the Moon and its aspects. But other planets, and the Midheaven can describe her, and other people can play her role. Whatever is constellated around this fundamental relationship, has a deep emotional imprint throughout our lives. How do our real-life carers correspond to the image in the birth chart? How do we integrate the power of the past in our adult lives?
Mothers come in many guises: controlling ones, and frightening ones, efficient workaholics, and devoted single parents. There are devouring mothers and sainted martyrs. Mothers who love babies only up to the age of six. It is the power of the child’s imagination that embellishes the Mother and breathes life into her archetype throughout our lives.
This video is taken from a live online webinar given for the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) by Lynn Bell in 2019. Duration: 2 hours 44 minutes