This series of three in-depth webinars on the planetary symbol of Pluto were given by world renowned astrologer Liz Greene for MISPA and the CPA in 2016. Duration: 6 hours 53 minutes
Part 1: This part in our intensive exploration of Pluto focuses on the meaning of the so-called ‘planetoid’, beginning with mythic portrayals of the underworld deities and ancient philosophical conceptions of what happens to the soul after death. It looks at the relationship between Pluto and the collective psyche, Pluto and the fundamental survival instinct that exists in all living species, and the patterns of specific generation groups related to Pluto’s placement in specific signs of the zodiac. Finally, it focuses on how Pluto is expressed in the natal chart, especially in its aspect patterns with the personal planets and with Saturn. Demoting Pluto from a planet to a planetoid might be appropriate from an astronomical point of view, but it seems that Pluto isn’t paying a lot of attention to having his potency reduced on paper. (There are a few sound problems in this recording, especially in the first half, so the sound can be a little quiet – we recommend using headphones to listen to these parts if you have problems.)
Part 2: The second webinar explores Pluto in motion: its transits through the houses of the natal and progressed chart, and the aspects it forms with natal and progressed planets as it moves through the zodiac. It also examines other transiting and progressed planets forming aspects to natal Pluto, particularly those that create major cycles in the individual’s life, such as Saturn, Jupiter, and the progressed Moon. Pluto is usually associated with the term ‘transformation ‘, and we look especially closely at what this term might mean, what hopes we invest in it, and the question of whether what dies always gets reborn, and if so, in what way. It also looks at Pluto in relation to processes described in other symbolic systems, such as the Tarot Major Arcana card of ‘Death’ and alchemical descriptions of the death-process as the necessary foundation for alchemical transformation.
Part 3: The third part explores Pluto’s cycle in historical contexts as a reflection of particular movements in the collective psyche that express themselves through the psychological dynamics behind world events. it looks at the symbolism of Pluto’s transit through the zodiacal signs in recent times, with an emphasis on the present transit in Capricorn and the fundamental themes of obsession, purgation, regeneration, and lancing a collective abscess in relation to all that Capricorn symbolises. It also explores the individual as part of the collective, in terms of generation groups and their contribution to history as part of the larger Pluto cycle. Finally, it examines Pluto in aspect to other transiting planets (such as the present square between Pluto and Uranus), and the impact of these configurations, reflected in major collective psychic shifts, on the individual chart.