This series of three in-depth webinars on the planetary symbol of Neptune were given by world renowned astrologer Liz Greene for MISPA and the CPA in 2018. Duration: 7 hours 11 minutes
Part One: The Hill of Dreams: Neptune in the natal and composite charts.
This first of three seminars on Neptune will focus on the meaning of the planet in the natal and composite charts, through exploring its many faces in myth, symbolic systems such as Tarot, alchemy, and Kabbalah, the history of religions, and the psychological domain of the ‘unobtainable longing’. Its many keyword definitions – spirituality, addiction, deception, dissolution, transcendence – will be carefully examined in the context of psychological model, analytic as well as transpersonal, revealing a realm that is paradoxically both amenable to understanding and ultimately impenetrable to rational analysis.
Part Two: After the Deluge: Neptune in transit to natal and progressed placements
This second of the three seminars on Neptune will focus on the movement of Neptune across the placements of the natal and progressed horoscopes. Neptune’s cycle of between 165 and 168 years is too long for any individual to experience its return, but the transits of this planet are disturbing and life-transforming, and not always benign in the context of human perceptions. Using the understanding of myth and the various processes described by symbolic systems such as alchemy, we can gain a clearer understanding of how to work with the transits of the ‘ineffable’ planet.
Part Three: The Tidal Flow: The Neptune cycle in the collective
The final seminar on Neptune will focus on its movements in the collective psyche, through an exploration of its cycle through history and all the spheres in which Neptune’s footprint can be discerned: music, fashion, film, political and religious ideologies, and all those areas of human endeavour that are concerned with achieving freedom from the suffering of human mortality. The ‘unobtainable longing is nowhere in evidence as much as in the products of the human imagination as it is expressed though the great ebb and flow of our collective human longings for perfection and redemption.