It can be all too easy to see what we don’t like in other people. How does that dislike or dissatisfaction show up in the birth chart? Oppositions are one way, energy is projected outside the self. This is also true of certain house placements, notably the 7th which traditionally signals enemies as well as partners. The 10th symbolizes authority, our role models for good or bad. There are idealistic projections in the 9th house, and fascinations in the 8th. While these may be the easiest to identify, any quality that is disowned in the self can be projected. Understanding that some of this negative feelings have to do with us is an important part of work on the self, and any work with clients.
This video is taken from a live online webinar given for the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) by Lynn Bell in 2018. Duration: 2 hours 25 minutes