Saturn returns are times of scrutiny and verification in our lives. The first time, at the end of our 20s, it signifies the ‘end of youth‘. From now on, we have to take responsibility for our life. Once we hit 30, time begins to feel different, more serious and sobering. On the other hand, people age very differently and individually these days. Saturn is the planet doing the check-up, which can feel pretty disheartening at times, especially when our dreams turn out to be unrealistic. It is time to wake up and smell the coffee! It is all about the choices we make. End of our 20s is a good time to ask ourselves if we are on the ‘right‘ path. And if not, to try another route, but be true to yourself. Know thyself, baby, because you won‘t be able to blame anybody else! In the past age 59 used to be an age when people almost looked like old people, worn out and tired. These days the second Saturn return can be a fabulous time to get in charge of how you want to ‘age‘. We are surrounded by so much courage and creativity. 60 is not the end of the world anymore. Ageism is a growing problem in our youth-focussed society. But times are changing and a new generation of brave seniors are refusing to fade into the background. On the contrary; many clients report that they feel better about themselves, make different choices and treat themselves and others more kindly. The last trimester can offer wonderful opportunities, provided we take Saturn seriously with his mantra: Know thyself!
This video is taken from a live online webinar given for the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) by Martin Moritz in 2021. Duration: 2 hours 22 minutes