Following the path initiated by Jung, yet paving his own way, depth psychologist James Hillman devoted his life’s work to returning soul to psychology. In his Pulitzer-nominated book “Re-Visioning Psychology,” Hillman lays out his rigorously well-considered vision (or re-vision) of a psychology rooted in the imagination and the kind of imagining identified by Jung as the primary activity of the soul. As Hillman describes, “Fantasy-images are both the raw materials and finished products of psyche, and they are the privileged mode of access to knowledge of soul.”
This webinar explores the archetypal perspective in Hillman’s “Re-Visioning Psychology” as a natural complement to astrology, via the book’s four main sections: “Personifying or Imagining Things,” “Pathologizing or Falling Apart,” “Psychologizing or Seeing Through,” and, finally, “Dehumanizing or Soul-making.” Chart examples will help illustrate how these ideas connect to astrology, can enrich our astrological work, and offer a unique perspective rooted in the depths of the soul.
This video is taken from a live online webinar given for the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) by Shawn Nygaard in 2018. Duration: 2 hours 26 minutes