Fairy tales have gained a reputation in modern times as being a step removed from so-called “reality,” largely due to the wish for a happy ending that never really seems to arrive in “real” life. As reflections of psychic reality, however, fairy tales suggest that the soul seems far less interested in happy endings than in expressing through these varied tales the wider dynamic range of its inherent, archetypal complexity – the same archetypal complexity reflected in an astrological chart.
This webinar explores the nature of fairy tales, their roots and role in history and culture, and how they can enhance our astrological imagination, turning charts themselves into fairy tales. Whether entering the dark forest or an enchanted wood, or longing to go to the ball, fairy tale imagery aligns with the planets, signs, houses, and aspects familiar to all of us. Specific examples will help start spinning the straw of a chart into golden threads of insight. Along the way we will also look at how fairy tales can be particularly relevant as Jupiter, Saturn, and eventually Pluto all make their way through the sign of Aquarius now and in the coming years.
This video is taken from a live online webinar given for the Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) by Shawn Nygaard in 2021. Duration: 2 hours 19 minutes