The Sun

The astrological Sun symbolises our life force, the heart centre of our being, and core identity, but in chart analysis and interpretation it is often …

Lilith: The Hidden Centre

The Black Moon Lilith represents an aspect of self that has gone out of bounds. This can happen in any area of life, sexual, intellectual …

Neptune and Chiron in Pisces

With Neptune in Pisces until 2026 what is opening up for the collective? What glamours, deceptions and fantasies can we expect? This video explores myths …

The Moon’s Nodes

The Moon’s Nodes are not planets yet they seem to have a profound resonance throughout our chart. They have been linked with past lives, with …

Making Saturn Your Friend

Saturn often has a rough time in astrology, he is the great time keeper, Kronos the child devourer, the senex, the greater malefic, the dweller …

Astrology and Character Structure

Character Structure refers to deep psychological patterns whose shape takes form intrapsychically and interpersonally, giving rise to the shape of our experience of reality: perception, …