Neptune’s Immensities

During the Romantic Era, in 1853—shortly after the planet Neptune was discovered, and while it was transiting Pisces—prominent art critic, painter, and prolific writer John …

Secondary Progressions

In this webinar we revisit Secondary Progressions and consider how this valuable symbolic timing technique provides real insight into the subtle but significant unfolding of …

The Moon and Dependency

We begin life truly dependent on the care of others for our survival and that pattern of care has a lasting imprint. Breaking the circle …

Touching the Voids

Every birth chart is, to a greater or lesser extent, out of balance. The nature of each imbalance provides important clues for chart interpretation, since …

The Psychology of a Nation

“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” – Mahatma Gandhi What is that mysterious thing that makes a …